MongoDB MMS Point In Time restores are only available for the last 24 hours.

Error: When restoring DB for replica set using MMS point in time, we have this error:

“You are attempting to restore to a version no longer accessible for restore. Point In Time restores are only available for the last 24 hours.”

Causes: Allow point-in-time restores going back (or oplog stored time) is set to more than 1 day but the snapshots interval is more than 12 hours (min 12 hours for Point in Time to work)

Solutions: Allow point-in-time restores going back should be set to more than 1 days but the snapshot should be also captured at least every 12 hours

Notes: Point in time only works for replica set. If you are using shard cluster, you should use checkpoint restore which allows to restore to any 15 mins point in time.

MongoDB MMS Point In Time restores are only available for the last 24 hours.